I shared many details of my experience because no one is immune to heart troubles. Yes mine is probably an extreme and is likely written now in medical journals. The point is don’t think this will not happen to you. With at least 50% of adults in the U.S. having some sort of heart disease and somewhere now of 8% of children under 8 years old with either obesity, diabetes, overweight or heart disease, we are talking about a huge number of people just in the U.S. All you need to do is eat right.

Do you want you have a 910 inch scar on your breastplate for the rest of your life? Do you wish to be placed on medicines (I take 5 per day) for the rest of your life? Why would you ever put yourself into that situation?
My Story - continued
3288 Adams Ave. #16824
San Diego, CA 92176
Copyright 2015
All Rights Reserved
Today I average 142-145-lbs for a guy that is 5’ 7”. I wear 30-inch pants and medium shirts. So I went from 264-lbs and 48 X 48 X 48 to the above. So please don’t tell me you cannot do it. If your feel this is not going to happen to you, Wonderful! I congratulate you. Go on with your life. This is not for you. However, if any one of you have had weight issues love excessive sweets, fats and refuse to eat at least 50% daily of fresh fruits and vegetables, you are going to have issues sometime.

Former President Clinton thought that. He had by-pass surgery and did not heed the warnings and had to go back for a second by-pass. He has now become a vegetarian. Personally that is extreme. He should heeded warnings after one surgery reduced his meats (not eliminate) and increased fruits, vegetables (fresh at all costs) and grains.

I did it, but it took a near death experience and scarred for life before I changed. Don’t go down my path. But if still feel you cannot change then I wish you all the best. However catch yourself every time you complain about cost of health insurance and cost of meds. You have no right to. You felt you could not deal with your weight so you must ‘pay the piper’.

Those who really what to change, this site will provide eating options and I will have recipes that you can experiment with to fit your tastes.

I welcome all but my focus is for those who really desire to change.