My Story - continued
1995 - 2000
I found out in 1995 he was a ‘Field Biologist’. This was a person who was hired by a project proponent to conduct wildlife surveys on their project area looking for sensitive plants and animals. At the time I had a desk job for a very large defense contractor so exercise was not common and I kept my eating habits going. In late 1996 he proposed I join him and learn the business. Since I had a business degree managing the business as well as learning something where I could get out in nature appealed to me a lot. So I started learning his profession and was getting the daily exercise of walking miles and miles per day up and down hills (many very steep). So guess what happened, I LOST WEIGHT, and lots of it! But I still never changed my eating habits. After a long day walking through dense vegetation and up and down hills I was famished and what did we both do? We stopped at an all-you-can-eat place at about seven in the evening and ate and ate. We drove home, showered and went to bed because we knew we were back to repeat the same field work the following day. So I was getting an excellent cardio exercise yet my weight was only marginally coming down.

The other interesting thing is that my daily eating habits shifted. I had a fairly large breakfast before we left or if we had to be a job site early we either left much earlier and stopped for breakfast at a sit down restaurant or bought lots of fast food and eat on the way to the site. The rest of the day I only drank water. If I got hungry I did not have snacks like dried fruit or sliced vegetables or nuts. I only drank water and then when we returned to the vehicle, if it was a hot day I had a 32-oz V-8 in the cooler and I would drink that whole thing in about 20 minutes. I justified to myself I was replenishing salts lost while hiking. We would then either stop at a restaurant or hit a fast food place right before we got to the house and ate at home. If any of you understand eating habits, this ‘diet’ is not the way to takeoff weight or take it off safely. The peaks and valleys if sugar plus the pressure placed on the heart is un-natural.

So in 1986 I was given a sign that eating practices and in 1995-2000 were clear signs of un-natural eating habits. In my body something was going to break.  Go to next page
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Because I was caring for him almost 24/7 5-6 weeks and then had in-home hospice care for him during the day, I was able to take the days off since I knew I was caring for him in the evenings. I was not exercising but I was also not eating much. So weight started to come down. My weight got to about 218-lbs. After he was gone I made a sincere promise that he was my last relationship and was content to remain single.

Well…The Universe had a much different idea for me. Two months after my 8+ year relationship ended I met another wonderful man. I vowed that I did not wish for another relationship. There were times in the evening I would walk around the house yelling to Infinite Spirit or God or whatever you wish to call them, that I did not want any more relationships. As I said the Universe has a much different plan. We are recognizing 20 years in 2015 and were legally married in 2014. But that is a different story but he is integral bringing weight down.