3288 Adams Ave. #16824
San Diego, CA 92176
Copyright 2015
All Rights Reserved
Man is the only creature on this planet that alters it food. Many times for the better. Most of the time for the worst. Especially in the first world countries which also have the highest forms of disorders like heart disease, diabetes, obesity, overweight, cancer, Alzheimer’s, etc.

Health insurance in these countries is one of the largest businesses and could be reduced by trillions just by eating properly. This is not an attack on fast-food, restaurants, convenience stores or even food markets.  This is about YOU. No one twisted your arm to have three helpings for a meal. No one told you to buy 2 - 4 double cheeseburgers with all the fixings. It was YOU.

I have done research on some of our earlier civilizations and empires and found that one of the biggest turning points into their demise was gluttony, excess drinking, excess….First world countries pride themselves in technological advances yet just simple eating is history repeating itself. China has had an increase of heart disease by over 35% (probably more). In the United States, 1 in 1.8 adult men have heart disease, not including other physical issues such as diabetes and cancer. At least 1 in 2 women have heart disease, although that number could be low because doctors still have not completely recognized when a woman is having a heart attack. Over 8% of our children in the United States are obese, overweight, diabetic, or have heart disease.

You can bitch and complain all you wish about the cost of health care within the United States as you scarf down that double Bic Mac™, jumbo fries and 32-oz soft drink. But you deserve the insane costs. I am also to blame. I did the same thing and more.

The time is NOW! Not tomorrow, not in a week or a month but NOW!

If it isn’t now, then when?

Will we just be another country, civilization or ‘empire’ that will eat themselves to death?

I say this with all sincerity, I have at least an 80-85% chance to outlive my children and possibly grandchildren!  That is a statistic I am not proud of. Can any of you say same?
Welcome to our site
We are certain you will find something beneficial either from the recipes pages, helpful tips on cooking, foods to eat, what not to eat regularly, or what you may consider cutting back on.

First and foremost this is NOT a ‘how-to’ weight loss site. We are not medical doctors or carry any dietary certifications. We are not dieticians or any other form of professional with letters behind our name.

So why should you listen to me? Simply I AM YOU. But one who has learned a lot over the years from over eating to binging to nearly dying because I did not take care of myself when I was younger.

If you are having difficulty eating less, eating more, eating a balanced meal ….If there is nearly anything you are having difficulty with in eating, you are at the right place.